Purchase mild steel and stainless steel flat sprockets.
A sprocket or sprocket is a profiled wheel with teeth or cogs that engage with chains, rails, or other perforated or recessed materials. The name "sprocket" usually applies to any wheel with a radial protrusion that engages the chain passing through the protrusion. The difference between the sprocket and the gear is that the sprocket is never directly meshed together, while the difference between the sprocket and the pulley is that the sprocket has teeth, and the pulley is smooth.
Sprockets come in various designs, and their starters require maximum efficiency for each type of sprocket. Sprockets usually have no flanges. Some sprockets used with the timing belt have flanges to keep the timing belt centered.
Sprockets and chains are also used for power transmission from one shaft to another, and skidding is not allowed. Sprockets replace belts or ropes, and sprockets replace pulleys. They can run at high speed, and some chains are configured to make no noise even when running at high speed.

If you are considering buying a flat-top sprocket for your bike, you should know something about these sprockets. In this article, you will learn how flat-top sprockets work, how to choose the right sprocket, and how to get started.
Selection of flat top sprocket
The flat-top sprocket is the gear that turns the chain. They have a variety of materials to choose from and have different performance characteristics. When selecting a suitable flat-top sprocket, the material used for manufacturing the sprocket is mainly considered.
The materials used for flat-top sprockets are characterized by pitch and diameter, both of which are the bending distance from the tooth center to the adjacent tooth center. The tooth face width is the distance through the thinnest part of the sprocket, which is usually kept at the minimum value to ensure correct chain engagement. In addition to pitch and diameter, some sprockets have unique mounting options, such as adhesive or press-fit mounting.
The type of sprocket you select depends on your application. Generally, ISO sprockets have a suffix number to indicate the number of chains. For example, a 16B-2 sprocket with a 1-inch pitch and a 2-wire shaft.
High-quality flat-top chain wheels can reduce noise and prolong chain life. They can also be used to improve the performance of the chain drive system.
Sprockets quality testing: